Just as I was thinking of how to plan for a restful Sunday morning, the usual pair of ducks which come around for meals were right under the bird feeder, sharing the bird seeds with a dozen other birds. I was pondering how to start the day, then a fox... yes, a red fox trotted along the deck, right behind the sliding glass door. What was he thinking... looking for mice? Poor garden mice, Molly and Kaya are not enough to scare the hell out of them, now there's a young red fox! Everything happened so fast, I was totally clueless as to what first to do... grab the camera? Where is it??? Where's the fox, where's the camera...what should be the first thing to do? The fox disappeared just when I got hold of my d-cam and reappeared by the fence facing the lake and lower lawn. I thought the binoculars would be a better tool, never mind the slow digital camera. Just as I reach for the bigger binoculars, the fox jumped off the side fence into Tootie's and leaped onto Arlene's and on and on and on. Each jump was done so gracefully, there I was in awe and unable to lift the tool I was supposed to use to enjoy the action!
good to see them back! and great to have you blogging back again he he he